Local Media Company , Assistant Producer
Ms Lee
(Click to play the audio of our interview)
<Kids can Act> finds out from Ms Lee about platforms for children to showcase their talents and the link between child actors and talent shows.
Kids Can Act: Can you briefly tell us what the children’s talent show is about?
Ms Lee: It is a platform for children to show off their talents and gain exposure to the media industry
KCA: What is your role in the children's talent show?
ML: I contact and hold auditions for the participants as well as liaise with their parents on scheduling castings and auditions. In addition we also set up the stage and locations for the participants to perform.
KCA: Why did you join this production crew?
ML: It is interesting and I get to experience a lot of things as well.
KCA: What are the objectives of the children's talent show?
ML: I think that for the children, it is a great opportunity to gain exposure, which would help in their aspirations to become actors, actresses or even models. Some of these children also have wishes to become famous.
KCA: How has the show been beneficial to the children?
ML: The participants are given a chance to experience something that they would otherwise would not be exposed to in school or otherwise. Experiences that are unique to the environment that the talent show provides. They also learn how to behave. In school they may have teachers that control them but they still act like children, but when they come into the studio they quickly learn the etiquette and professionalism needed to work in this new environment and how to behave like a star.
KCA: The children's talent show has been ongoing for several seasons now. Has the expectations that the participants are held up to changed?
ML: Naturally, I think that the expectations of each succeeding batch of children to be raised. The viewers would also be expecting more out of each season's participants in order to retain interest in the show.
KCA: How has the response rate been in terms of viewership and participation?
ML: I think that there is an increase in the viewership and participants because of the larger reach, it is more famous as compared to the past.
KCA: Can you share with us the common reasons that participants have for taking part in the talent show.
ML: Firstly, I think that it is a platform for them to showcase their talents. The children that we get are actually very talented and want to display their talents to others. Furthermore, because of the rise of children taking dancing lessons or singing lessons, the show is a way to showcase their talents. The show is also a way for the children to become famous, which opens a lot of opportunities in the industry, like acting in dramas, advertisements or modeling, some of which are offered by external companies.
KCA: Are there children that have moved on from this talent show to larger platforms, like acting?
ML: From what I heard, some of the children are given roles in local dramas or advertisements and are being paid quite well.
KCA: What are your thoughts on children being exposed to the television and film industry at such a young age?
ML: I think it is a good opportunity as they get to experience a lot of things at a young age. But it also depends on how you see it, becoming famous at such a young age can have a negative impact on their personalities, some might become proud. It might also hurt their studies, because they would open themselves up to a lot of opportunities, they might have to sacrifice some of their time off studying to pursue them. It depends on how important they see these opportunities compared to their studies.
KCA: What value does the talent show bring to television and film productions?
ML: It provides a pool of quality child actors that these productions can draw on. A lot of parents do not want their children to sacrifice their education to pursue acting and that means that there isn't as much child actors, so it helps that this show can provide the child actors that we need in productions. Quality is also a consideration, we can't take just any child we find in the streets, they need to be able to speak well and are suitable to work in this industry.
KCA: How impactful do you think the talent show has been on the general child population in Singapore during its broadcast. Do you think that the children's talent show has played an important role in shaping the industry in any way?
ML: To answer your first question. Because the talent show is a way for children to become famous, more people are realizing that studying is not the only way to success. Now there is more children that are going into the performing arts. This means that children are more likely to experience more things other than just their studies.
Regarding the second question, I think that if you have more actors and actresses that have more experience of working in the industry, they will become better in their craft and also be more professional. Starting later in life would mean that you do not have as much experience as those that started when they were children. The child actors nowadays, are very smart, they learn quickly and they know how to behave and talk to people.
KCA: Do you think that the children's talent show has fulfilled its objectives?
ML: Yes, I think so. We keep in contact with the participants of the show for 6 months and we watch them grow and how they become a real star. We have watched a lot of their progress from a child to become almost a professional performer. They become more mature.
KCA: What do you envision to be the future of child acting?
ML: I think that it will only become more professional as it progresses. In the past, the children are chosen based on how cute they are and they are not as trained in performing. But now the children put in a lot of effort, for example into their dance routine. Some children that are taking the PSLE now, still train every single day, despite having to take their exams. In the past, they may only do one practice before they perform , now the children work really put in a lot of effort. So I think by putting in so much effort, the children would definitely become more professional.
KCA: Any words of advice for budding child performers?
ML: I think that they should grab any opportunity that is presented to them. If they find that it suits them, they should definitely grab it. Gaining work experience in this industry would help them a lot. But education is still important part of life, they should not sacrifice education over acting. I think knowledge is still important, intelligence is a something that is important even if you are really talented in acting. And If they find that acting is not for them they will need knowledge to do something else with their lives. So I think education is still the most important thing.
KCA: When you mention that the children should grab any opportunity, do the directors or producers of shows come onto the set of the talent show and pick the children they want to act in their shows?
ML: The directors do not pick the children from the talent show. Casting for dramas, if I'm not wrong, are usually open to anyone who is interested in auditioning for the role. So the children would have to audition for the roles they want, so it is a fair system.
KCA: How supportive are the parents of the participants?
ML: They are very supportive. They want to be involved in very aspect of the children's performance, from the costumes to make up and the performance itself. The children is also very enthusiastic about their performances. They are not afraid to go up on stage, they actually say that they can't wait to perform. Which is a very positive attitude. You can tell that they are not pushed into it by their parents.
KCA: Are the parents present during the children's performance?
ML: During the main shoot and when we record their performances they are usually present because they would also want to watch their children perform.